2. Wind Chill.
3. BYU Football.
I am super excited/anxious for the big game tomorrow. I openly admit that I am way more emotionally invested in this game than I or anyone else has any business in being. I blame too much free time on my hands. I spend a lot of time job searching but I still have a lot of free time, and rather than using it for something constructive, say getting my learn on, or working out, I just find things to distract me. First it was the election and this week it has been the Utah - BYU football game. I have read every article and most of the comments to those articles in both the Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune. However the best article about the rivalry was from today's Denver Post. And no, I don't typically read the Denver post - I don't have that much free time on my hands - I came across it in the comment section of a SL Trib article. I could probably add to that list of things I hate the Mtn. television network. I am just thankful that I found a place that carries the station here in Minnesota. A rivalry match-up between two top twenty teams should not be found exclusively on some dinky hard to get station - this is ridiculous. After the game tomorrow I will have to come up with a new fixation. Any suggestions? Maybe I'll just double up on the finding employment fixation. I've joked about going into bankruptcy law - but that joke is becoming less and less funny as the economy continues to tank. Hmmm...
In other news - from the something you don't see everyday department, I saw something crazy the other day. I was walking the four blocks home from the local Caribou Coffee, when I glanced across the street and saw a large bird. Large birds are not unusual in are neighborhood - we see a lot of ducks and geese and a fair number of hurons. This however was a large bird of prey. Some type of hawk if you want to be specific. I crossed the street to get a better look. It was just chillin on the grass about ten feet from the street. It had killed something and was enjoying a late afternoon snack. At first I assumed it was a squirrel but as I got closer I could see that it had actually killed and was snacking on some type of bird. It was not too bothered by me and I was actually able to get within about six feet of it. I tried to take a picture with my phone, but unfortunately my phone is not really state of the art. Here is what I got:

Sorry if you have to squint to see it - it's the best I could do.
And last but not least here is your Friday music video:
Have a good weekend.
1 comment:
Ha Ha Ha - that hate list cracked me up! I totally forgot about that!
And that game was AMAZING! (even if we had to fight off the 'Buck Hunter' haters!)
I can't believe you saw a hawk in our park - it sounds like times are tough for the birds too. ;)
P.S. Love, love, love the vid.
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