Wednesday, February 06, 2008

February Is For Lovers

This has been a hard week for me. I am hoping that Feb 1 – 14 will be the hardest two weeks of the semester (although I’m sure finals won’t be a walk in the park). I can not possibly do everything I have to for school this week. I won’t go into all the details, but trust me – it’s way too much. All that school work and the accompanying stress makes it hard to focus on or think about anything else. The balanced life I so desperately want and strive for once again merely falls by the way side. No time for exercise, no time for adequate sleep, no time for friends, no time for hobbies or interest, no time for art, books, news or anything else outside of law school. I really shouldn't be writting this blog right now. In addition to all of that fun, I am conducting an on-going job-search in a flooded market - just as the country plunges into recession. On top of that my grandma died on Tuesday and I can’t afford, in terms of either money or time, to go to Utah for the funeral tomorrow. Tough times to say the least.

Even though things are extremely difficult right now I take consolation in the fact that I have a lot of good things in my life. I have great friends, who always welcome me back despite my complete inability to keep in touch. Overall, I am in pretty good health, even if law-school is taking its toll. I have a treasure trove of happy memories to fall back on during tough times. Most importantly I have a wonderful wife who is my rock and anchor throughout everything. She reminds me that life is so much more than the current crisis I feel is about to swallow me whole. We have been through a lot in the last year. Challenges and adventures of all kinds. One of the most important things I learned last year was that together Patty and I are greater than the sum of our parts. Life happens but by relying on each other and remembering what we really want out of life we get through it. Next week will be the four year anniversary of our engagement. Tonight as I grapple with doubts about whether or not I'm going to make it through the next eight days I am so glad I made that decision to ask Patty to marry me – and so glad that she said yes.

1 comment:

The Bombic said...

It has felt like we've been on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride lately - where you have no control over the steering and every few seconds are heading for a wall, only to have the cart jerk away at the last second, saving you from certain calamity. But if I had to be on this ride with anyone, I'm glad it is with you.