Thursday, October 19, 2006

Today in Evidence Class

The following actually happened - it is a verbatim exchange that took place today in my evidence class.

After reading an example problem from the casebook where a plaintiff testifies in a defamation case about an incident where the defendant, in a public setting, made a statement that the plaintiff was a cheat.

Evidence Professor: Is this hearsay?

2L Student: Yes!

Evidence Professor: Why?

2L Student: Uhhh...All I care about is that my answer is authoritative.

P.S. If you're wondering if our 2L was both authoritative and correct - sadly, he was not. And no, the 2L mentioned above was not me - but I wish it had been.

1 comment:

The Bombic said...

Hysterical! I think that sums up law school pretty nicely. :)